Blog Archive

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Looking for Laura

April 8th Poem

This morning you weren't there,
I stripped every blanket
off your cot by the salt specked window
just to be sure, but
you'd never been there;

I stumbled downstairs
and peeked into the dining room
but your chair stood empty,
like a shadow it taunted me with
'Catch me if you can';

Tears began to cloud my eyes
as I raced down to the beach,
I searched all our secret spots,
the cave behind the haunted cabin,
the hollow tree on shipwreck point,

even the abandoned lighthouse
at the end of whalebone drive,
but you weren't there,
my frantic search drew a question of why
from a ghostly figure and I told him I was looking for you, Laura;

In defeat I screamed at the ocean,
I demanded an answer but none came,
and then I saw you,
I ran to you with arms open wide
and our bodies collided;

Yours felt nothing but the ocean wind
as mine passed through and
reformed on the other side,
Laura, I screamed, but you didn't hear
you just walked away.

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