Blog Archive

Monday, November 17, 2008

Rebar Crosses

Rebar crosses line main street,
contradictions within themselves
as they emit the cold of death
and preach the warmth of love.

Flowers adorn some, others
sit alone in contemplating
silence...I shiver...
eternal silence? Must be hell.

Quickening my pace the fear
in that thought settles into
the blur of my past, as I
round another corner those
rebar crosses crumble like
rust in my memory.


Anonymous said...

You are on a roll, Sarah!

When do you have the time to write all this lovely poetry? :)

Every Photo Tells A Story said...

Sarah, you have such way with words. I'm trying very hard not to comment on my blog(unless they are just general thoughts or questions.) But, I wonder if you plan on writing for a living?